

Interlibrary Loan


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If you are unable to find an item from the El Paso Public Library you can search for and request an item via the Texas Armadillo Network. The item will be sent from another library in the United States to the EPPL branch of your choice. This process is called interlibrary loan (ILL). It is made possible through the cooperation of over 500 public libraries in Texas and is funded by the Texas State Library.

Before you begin searching, please review the following Q&A which outlines the rules for ILL use.

What is the Texas Armadillo Network?

The Texas Armadillo Network is an interlibrary loan request system designed especially for Texas library patrons.

The system searches all participating libraries in Texas. Most of the time, the request is filled by one of these libraries. If the item cannot be found in Texas the search is widened automatically to all participating libraries in the continental United States.

El Paso Public Library patrons can search for items and place requests on their own without having to visit the library. While we are still happy to place requests for you, we are pleased to now provide the option for patrons to place interlibrary loan requests anywhere, anytime, twenty-four hours a day.

Who can use this service?

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you cannot request items through the Texas Armadillo Network until the issue or issues are resolved.

  1. Is your library card expired?
  2. Do you have overdue items?
  3. Do you have fines or fees on your library account?

You can check the status of your library account and renew items online at HERE. You may renew your library card in person at any library location. You will be asked to provide proof of address and photo identification at the time of renewal.

Are there fees for using this service?

A $3.00 postage/handling fee will be charged for all ILL items received for a patron.  The fee will be charged when the item is received by EPPL from another library. This fee will not be waived for cancelled requests.

Postage fees must be paid at the time of pick up.

Patrons are responsible for keeping current all contact information in their library account. This fee will not be waived if the contact information is out of date and the patron is not contacted by the library.

A fine of $0.15 will be charged for each day an item is overdue.

A fine of $3.00 will be charged for all missing ILL paperwork, book straps or barcodes. Please do not remove any paperwork found in or on an interlibrary loan item.

An initial replacement fee of $50 will be charged for all lost ILL items. In addition to this fee, the retail price of the item will be charged to patrons for all lost ILL items once the price is obtained from the lending library.

Are there limits on what can be requested?

  1. Patrons are limited to five (5) requests per month.
  2. Audio-visual materials, such as DVDs, CDs and audiobooks will neither be requested for our patrons nor sent to other participating libraries.
  3. Textbooks will neither be requested for our patrons nor sent to other participating libraries.
  4. Items that are less than a year old will also not be requested or sent.
  5. Only requests from the continental United States will be filled.
  6. Copies of articles can no longer be requested. Patrons are encouraged to use the TexShare Databases to obtain free full-text copies of articles.

Access TexShare

The staff of the ILL Department may judge some items too fragile or rare to circulate outside of the library. In these cases, ILL items will be marked “in- house use only”. The patron may view the item at the library but cannot check out the item.

You can keep interlibrary loan items for three weeks. Note that interlibrary loan items cannot be renewed. Please return all interlibrary loan material on or before the due date.

If you understand the rules and restrictions for placing interlibrary loans, you may proceed to the Texas Armadillo Network by clicking the link below:

Texas Armadillo Network

How do search an item and place a request?

Using the Texas Armadillo Network for Interlibrary Loan:

1. Go to the Texas Armadillo Network.

2. Login to your account using your 14-digit El Paso Public Library card number and your El Paso Public Library account PIN.

3. Search for the title you want to request.

4. Click on the Book link or the Cover to see if the title matches what you are searching for.

5. Check the “Where To Find It” list of libraries who own this item. If El Paso Public Library owns the item, please do not request it using this method.

6. Click on “Request This Item”.

7. Fill out the required fields including choosing a pickup location and entering your email address.

8. Click on “Submit” to place your request.

Viewing the status of your ILL requests: § Go to the Texas Armadillo Network and login with your El Paso Public Library card number and account password.

Click on “Your Account" in the upper right corner and choose “Items From Other Libraries”.

I don’t have an email address and one is required to place a request. What should I do?

If you do not have an email address, you may contact any library location. Staff will assist you in placing the request. They will receive any email notification for you and will update you as needed.

Whom should I contact if I have other questions?

Interlibrary Loan Department

Temporarily at the Judge Marquez Branch Library 610 N. Yarbrough

El Paso, TX 79915 Phone: 915-212-0357

Office Hours: Mondays 10 AM to 6 PM, Tuesday – Thursday, 11 AM to 7 PM and Fridays 1 PM to 6 PM.